Triple P

Triple P pisco cocktail

Triple P

Here's a bespoke toast to the 3P Box from Perpetually Perplexing Puzzles, with a pleasingly palatable potion. I took a few cues from a master mixologist, the late Dick Bradsell who invented a tasty tipple called the Triple A. In that A plus potion, he combined apple, almond and absinthe with a little lemon juice to create an incredible and surprising drink. I recently featured it to energize another award winning puzzle box that Sound’s incredible.

Triple P pisco cocktail

perfectly prepared potion

I borrowed Dick’s template for the Triple P, this time combing the Peruvian brandy based spirit pisco with pineapple and pomegranate. Pisco can be a bit of a bully in a cocktail, similar to how absinthe can overwhelm the other flavors, so it seemed a decent base spirit to keep things, well, in the spirit of the original. Following Dick’s template and rations, however, worked perfectly to bring things into balance. The pineapple and pomegranate syrup (more commonly known as grenadine) are a great compliment to the funky brandy, and lime juice ties it nicely together. Pucker up, parched people – cheers!

Triple P pisco cocktail and 3P puzzle box

a pair of P’s in a pod

Triple P

1 ½ oz pisco

¾ oz pineapple

½ oz pomegranate syrup

¼ oz lime

Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a favorite glass. Lemon twist.

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